
How We Measure Outcomes

At Community Connections we strive for a high quality of services and continuous improvement. By evaluating and measuring our progress we are able to reflect on the areas of strengths as well as the areas we need to improve upon.

The Performance Improvement Team provides ongoing support for the continuous quality improvement activities. The team is responsible for collecting data, identifying, monitoring and analyzing performance indicators and outcomes measures. They make recommendations on performance improvement, and take action if necessary to support performance improvement goals.

What Outcomes Do We Measure?

Community Connections recognizes that in order to develop a strong Performance Improvement Plan with measurable outcomes, we must gather input from persons served, employees, joint service providers and the community. The team analyzes customer and staff surveys, customer data, incident reports, financial and HR reports, performance improvement reports and outcomes management processes.

Analysis will begin with areas that are considered highest priority and problem prone or have occurred unexpectedly with serious consequences which require more in-depth analysis. Examples that would require priority analysis include staff and customer injuries, medication errors, crisis services, and accessibility.