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Developmental Disabilities Enrollment

Developmental Disabilities Eligibility
As a general rule, if you think you or someone you know might have a developmental disability, then you should contact the STAR Coordinator directly. The STAR Coordinator can help you decide if an application for developmental disability services is appropriate or not.
A developmental disability is briefly defined as:
- A mental or physical condition that begins prior to age 22.
- A condition that is likely to continue indefinitely.
- A condition that results in serious functional problems in areas such as learning, language, mobility, independent living, self-sufficiency, and self-care.
Often, people with the following conditions qualify as experiencing a developmental disability: Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Although, other conditions that limit functionality in the above categories/areas may also qualify.
Please contact the STAR coordinator at the SAIL Ketchikan office : 907-225-4735.
Seniors and Adults with Physical Disabilities Enrollment
For seniors and adults with physical disabilities the enrollment process is different depending on the funding source of the individual. Referrals can be made by family members, friends, the individual seeking care, medical professionals or anyone who is concerned for the well-being of the individual. Once general information is gathered one of our care coordinators will meet with the individual and family to go over possible service options.
- Private Insurance: We accept some forms of private insurance. After gaining prior approval from the insurance company we can provide chore and respite services.
- Private Payment: We offer private payment options for chore, respite and personal care services. Rates vary depending on service.
- Veterans: We accept payment from Veterans Affairs.
- Grant Services: Community Connections can assist with the application for grant services to provide chore and respite services, durable medical equipment, home modifications, and services for someone transitioning home from hospital long term care or a nursing home. Requirements vary depending on the grant being applied for. Our experienced coordinators are available to assist with the application process.
- Medicaid: For individuals with Medicaid, a State of Alaska nurse assessor will provide a one on one meeting to determine the amount of services needed. The nurse will assess the individual’s physical abilities and functionality, approving a certain amount of services appropriate for the individual.
Please contact us at the Ketchikan or Craig office for more information on any of the options listed above.