As our Core Values state, “we continually strive for excellence and continuous improvement” and this survey is an important way to assess our strengths and areas to improve. This year 70% of active employees participated in the survey.
We are pleased that 92% of employees reported that they are satisfied overall with their experience working at Community Connections over the past year. In addition, the survey highlighted the following:
Agency strengths and improvements: There were six categories of the survey where the agency showed at least a 5% increase in the percentage of employees who were satisfied with that aspect of their employment. The most substantial improvement was in the percentage of employees who were happy with their relationship with their supervisor. We are thrilled to see this improvement, as we have worked hard in the last couple of years to improve supervisor training and support. Another area of notable improvement was that more employees reported that they are able to get the supplies and resources they need to do their job well. The increase was driven by a large improvement on Prince of Wales in this category.
Areas to improve: The area of the survey that showed a notable reduction in positive response was “My supervisor has discussed my progress with me in the last 6 months.” Employee comments on the survey also indicated a need to improve the frequency of communication between employees and supervisors. In the era of social distancing and adapting to the challenges of a pandemic, communication between teams has never been more important and more challenging. Another theme that emerged in the employee comments was a desire to see improvement in the agency’s healthcare benefit. The senior management team is committed to addressing this feedback and working towards improvement in the next year.
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