Brittani has worked at Safeway in Ketchikan for six years as a Courtesy Clerk, where she usually bags groceries and helps customers take groceries out to their cars.
She has wanted to work in the floral department for a while now, but rearranging job responsibilities hadn’t quite happened yet. Until one day a couple of months ago.
It was a busy day in the floral department, and they needed extra help. Brittani jumped in to help clean up the floral department, taking cardboard to the back warehouse to be compacted and recycled, putting price tags on some of the floral arrangements, and putting floral arrangements in the refrigerated display case.
The floral manager, Judy Strother, was suitably impressed and grateful for Brittani’s help! Because of it, Judy and store manager Shelli Miller are working on moving Brittani over to the busy Floral Department part time to help out. Brittani is excited to work more in floral.
Safeway has been a champion of supporting employees who experience developmental disabilities, and has found good loyal employees in many of them. Currently Safeway in Ketchikan employs four individuals with developmental disabilities.