As Early Learning Providers, we often have conversations with parents concerning various baby myths. As child development professionals here are our opinions on some of the more common myths.
Crying strengthens babies lungs so let them cry it out
NO! The only thing long periods of crying accomplishes is an exhausted and stressed baby. Crying is a baby’s main form of communication, so take time and listen to your baby and respond quickly to his/her needs. Young babies are learning to trust and bond with their caregivers so it is important that when babies cry you pick them up and comfort them.
He can talk, he is just lazy
Toddlers want to please their caregivers and they want to be able to tell you what they are thinking in order to meet a need or want. If a child can really talk, then he would. Some words are easier to say than others or sometimes a child experiences motor planning issues which can lead to a child not always saying words they have said before. If your child is inconsistent in his language skills your child would benefit from a developmental screening.
Babies develop at their own pace. They will talk/walk/connect with others when ready
Although babies do develop at their own pace, we know that babies develop at their own pace within a time frame. Babies learn to roll over between 2-5 months, crawl between 6-10 months, use simple words between 10-18 months, and emotionally connect with others starting at birth. If a child is slow to develop specific skills and is past the age when a skill should start to emerge, then that child may benefit from a developmental screening.
Can babies really understand you before they can talk?
Yes, babies can understand language earlier than they can speak words. Babies can also easily pick up on the tone of a person’s voice. Shouting and other types of angry voices can scare babies, and calling them names – such as “brat” – can also be harmful. Children live up to their parents’ expectations.
Early Learning Program
At the Community Connections Early Learning Program, we provide a wide range of services, in partnership with families and the community to support the development of young children age birth to 3 years.
Our array of services include: Infant Massage, Parenting, Developmental Screenings, Developmental Evaluations, Vision and Hearing Screenings, Developmental therapy, Speech therapy, Motor therapy, Playgroups, and Home visiting.