- A book of silly poems.
- Your favorite childhood story.
- About development so you can understand and support age appropriate expectations.
- To your child in the car.
- One second longer than you think you have the patience for.
- For the feelings behind your child’s words.
- What are you thinking about?
- What was your favorite part of the day?
- What do you think would happen if?
- A smile when your child walks into the room.
- A kind look.
- A hug.
- That your child is capable.
- That you are enough.
- That you can do what’s right for your family.
- The story of their births or adoptions.
- A story about yourself at your child’s age.
- What your favorite color is.
- That sometimes you struggle too.
- What the plan is… for the day/week, any changes to the routine.
- Hide and Seek
- Board Games
- Simon Says
- I spy
- That your child’s high five is so powerful it knocks you over.
- That you are super ticklish.
- That you are explorers in your own backyard.
Mindy Trozelle
Mindy Trozelle is a Developmental Specialist in our Early Learning Program
Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels
The Community Connections Early Learning Program provides a wide range of services, in partnership with families and the community to support the development of young children age birth to 3 years.
Our array of services include: Infant Massage, Parenting, Developmental Screenings, Developmental Evaluations, Vision and Hearing Screenings, Developmental therapy, Speech therapy, Motor therapy, Playgroups and Home visiting.