“It satisfies my soul,” says Nancy about her job at Community Connections. She has been working here as a support specialist for almost 10 years, supporting elders, adults with disabilities, and children.
Years ago, a family member of hers needed services, and out of love for that family member, she was inspired to start working at Community Connections.
“It’s so rewarding… to know that you’ve helped someone,” she says. “It’s more than just picking up a paycheck.”
She says sometimes it’s a challenge to find activities to do with the people she serves, especially when it’s raining. Going on walks is always a good option, whether it’s at the park, the recreation center, Walmart, or the mall.
“She finds joy in helping others. She wants to make sure the people she works with have the quality of life they deserve,” says Sharyl Yeisley, who coordinates services for seniors in Ketchikan.
In her free time, Nancy spends a lot of time with her family. They hang out in their backyard, and sometimes visit the thrift store, which the kids call “the toy store.”
Thanks Nancy for your care and dedication!
We feature staff as part of our monthly Stellar Staff Spotlight. The spotlight rotates between programs (Children’s Mental Health, Early Learning, and Senior & Disability Services), and between Ketchikan and Prince of Wales, with a focus on recognizing direct service staff.